Meet the Curator

Natalia Barlow

Elevate your presence

Crafting a signature look that reflects your growth and leadership.

Image consultant discussing the need for true expression and a redefined self-image

Natalia Barlow
Image Curator

As a woman who has successfully navigated both corporate and entrepreneurial worlds, I understand the profound impact that self-awareness and personal image have on leadership and success. Having a grounded sense of self, coupled with a signature aesthetic that tells the story of who you are, is not just a luxury–it's essential for women in leadership.

I know firsthand how it feels to walk the fine line between societal expectations and personal expression. For years, my image was shaped by external standards, and the roles I played. Feeling like a crab who had outgrown its shell, I uncovered the need for me to discover who I was beyond the hats I wore and purge the false beliefs that no longer served me.

This realization led me to uncover a truth: confidence blossoms from radical self-acceptance.

From that point forward, I committed to a signature aesthetic that fully reflects the totality of the woman I've grown to love, both in business and in life.

For 13 years, I've collaborated with women leaders desiring to put their best image forward in-person, in print and in media. Using a personalized approach, I help you curate an image that elevates your presence and aligns with who you truly are.

Let's work together to craft a signature aesthetic that reflects your growth and leadership. It's time to discover, accept and express more of YOU!