Meet the Curator

Natalia Barlow

An advocate for Authenticity in Expression

Embracing Change

Each new season of life deserves a new look!

Image consultant tampa smilingImage consultant tampa smilingImage consultant tampa smilingImage consultant tampa modelingImage consultant tampa smilingImage consultant tampa smilingImage consultant tampa headshotImage consultant tampa modelingImage consultant tampa smiling
Image consultant discussing the need for true expression and a redefined self-image

Natalia Barlow
Image Curator

The GLOW mission is deeply personal: to provide a transformative experience that enhances your confidence and celebrates your unique beauty. I know firsthand what it's like to dim my light—after struggling with acne-related depression, or feeling like a shell of myself in my first year of business, hearing who I should be to succeed.

These experiences have shaped my empathy and commitment to helping women like you reclaim authenticity and radiance. My approach blends artistic expertise with intuitive techniques, ensuring you feel seen and heard.

Beyond my professional commitment, I find inspiration in life's simple joys, nurturing growth and resilience in every aspect of my work. Whether assisting clients globally or baking fresh sourdough at home, I am unwavering in my goal to support women in living life on their terms. Let's GLOW together!